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Following position is available at the Kuopio Symphony Orchestra Associate Principal Oboe

Following position is available at the Kuopio Symphony Orchestra
Associate Principal Oboe
with obligation to English Horn

Basic salary 2.987,46 € / month. The salary is increased by the experience allowance according to KVTES and the attire and musical instrument allowances. In addition, media compensation is paid.

The position is permanent and will be filled starting from November 4, 2024 or according to a separate agreement. Trial period 6 months.

Applications: Closing date for applications is on Monday September 16, 2024 at 12 noon (Finnish time). Applications received after this date will not be accepted. Applications only at

The application form should be completed with a compact and up to date CV specifying, for example, the applicant’s musical education and work history in symphony orchestras. The post requires excellent skills as a musician, good social and communication skills as well as fluent skills in English.

Audition: Friday October 11, 2024 starting at 12 noon at the Kuopio Music Centre Concert Hall (address: Kuopionlahdenkatu 23, Kuopio, Finland). The persons chosen for the audition based on the applications will be informed by Friday September 27, 2024. The orchestra will provide an accompanist for the audition, however, use of own accompanist at the applicant’s own expense is also possible.

Audition assignments:
1. W.A. Mozart: Oboe Concerto in C major with cadenzas
2. Richard Strauss: Oboe Concerto movements I and II with cadenzas
3. Orchestral Music excerpts can be downloaded from the KSO website >

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Kuopio Symphony Orchestra / Orchestra Coordinator Henna Korkalainen, +358 44 7182 363,
Kuopio Music Centre and Kuopio Symphony Orchestra / Production Manager Markku Ruotsalainen, +358 44 7182 362,

About us

Kuopio Symphony Orchestra maintains over 110-year-old orchestra tradition as the largest professional symphony orchestra in Eastern Finland. The KSO performs mainly at the Kuopio Music Centre Concert Hall relishing its amazing acoustics – it has been the orchestra’s permanent home since the opening of the centre in 1985. The orchestra consists of 44 musicians representing over 15 nationalities.

Symphonic repertoire forms the main core of the orchestra’s programme, whereas other genres such as chamber and entertainment music are also represented in many forms.

Music education projects play an important role: the KSO introduces various audience groups to the world of music with special concerts and events designed for them. Back in 2018 the orchestra’s second Godchild Project began and an entire age group of children born in Kuopio in 2017, Finland’s 100th anniversary, were invited. In addition, the orchestra is an active participant in many audience and outreach projects (for example, the Kuopio city Cultural education plan, national Art Testers project as well as an international Accessible Orchestras project).

Cooperation with other professional orchestras and choirs is an essential part of the orchestra’s activities. The orchestra also collaborates with local music classes and students. The KSO has been one of the co-producers of the Kuopio Opera and the accompanying orchestra in many other opera productions. In addition, the KSO has worked in close cooperation with various music festivals, among others the Savonlinna Opera Festival.

The Chief Conductor of the KSO as of from the beginning of the year 2023 is Eugene Tzigane, Atso Almila acts as the Second Conductor and Jorma Panula as the Honorary Conductor.

Kuopio Symphony Orchestra has toured and given guest performances abroad, for example, in Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Japan and China. The orchestra has recorded for Warner Music / Finlandia Records, Octavia Records and Alba Records.

Kuopionlahdenkatu 23
70100 Kuopio

  • Kuopion kaupunki - Savuton työpaikka
  • Kuopion kaupunki - Panostamme perehdytykseen Introlla
  • Visit the organisation
    Other Information

    Other information related to the task

  • Working time format: Full-time
  • Trial period: 6 months
  • Apply now
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