Are you interested in a COMMUNICATIONS TRAINEE position at International House Oulu? Join our team and gain valuable experience.
BusinessOulu is a public enterprise of the City of Oulu, established to develop business and employment in the Oulu region. We are looking for an internationally oriented trainee to join our International House Oulu (IH Oulu) team for a three-month period from March 10 to June 8, 2025. Weekly working hours are 36,25 h.
IH Oulu gathers different guidance services under one roof. Services are targeted at international newcomers, immigrants, and also companies planning to recruit international employees.
We are primarily looking for a university trainee who will do the internship as part of their studies. The traineeship will take place at BusinessOulu’s premises (Uusikatu 52). There is also a possibility to work some hours remotely if agreed.
• Planning communication and marketing activities in cooperation with experts
• Designing social media content
• Assisting in organizing and coordinating events
• Creating and editing English (and possibly Finnish) content for various channels, such as social media and websites
• Website maintenance tasks
• Other possible tasks
Required skills:
• Excellent written and oral English language skills
• understanding Finnish is considered an advantage
• Knowledge of social media channels
• Interest in producing diverse content, previous experience is considered an advantage
• Knowledge and maintenance skills of the WordPress platform
• Ability to work independently when needed
Application period: by 20.2.2025
Duration: 3 months, preferably starting in March 2025
Salary: 1 300 euros / month (36,25 h / week)
Applications should primarily be submitted through the electronic application form. Alternatively, applications can be submitted to the address Oulun kaupungin kirjaamo, PL 71, 90015 Oulun kaupunki, visiting address Kansankatu 55 A. Applications must include the position-specific register number OUKA/1234/2025. Closing date for submitting applications is 20 February 2025 at 3 pm (Finnish time).
- https://www.kuntarekry.fi/en/jobs/communications-trainee-international-house-oulu-oul-06-4-25/
- Oulun kaupunki, Business Oulu liikelaitos
- TrainingJobsFixed-termPartial remote work possibility
- OUL-06-4-25
- 10.3.-8.6.2025
- Salary: 1 300 euros / month
- 29.1.2025 14:37 - 20.2.2025 15:00
- Management and office workCommunicationPohjois-PohjanmaaOuluMunicipality
For more information, please contact Annakaisa Vääräniemi, Communications & Marketing Manager,
annakaisa.vaaraniemi(a)businessoulu.com, tel. +358 40 182 9071.
Oulu. Vesistöjen hellässä halauksessa syntynyt, jalat tukevasti pohjoisessa mullassa seisova juureva, luonnon ehdoilla kehittyvä kaupunki. Pohjoisuutemme on rennonletkeää vieraanvaraisuutta, rohkeita tekoja ja sinnikkyyttä – menestyksen edellytyksiä. Supervoimamme ovat erilaiset ihmiset ja kaupunginosat sekä Oulun seudun rikas luonto. Meillä on tilaa, aikaa ja mahdollisuuksia kohtaamisille, jotka voivat myllertää koko elämäsi.
Oulun kaupunki on noin 7000 henkilön työpaikka – asteen verran parempi, tietenkin.
Uusikatu 52
90100 Oulu
Other information related to the task
Oulun kaupunki
JobbID OUL-04-1339-21
Oulun kaupunki
JobbID OUL-04-485-19
Oulun kaupunki
JobbID OUL-04-870-21
Monetra Oy
JobbID 577405
Koulutuskuntayhtymä OSAO
JobbID OSAO-02-126-24
Monetra Oy
JobbID 249071
Koulutuskuntayhtymä OSAO
JobbID OSAO-01-16-24
Egentliga Finlands välfärdsområde
JobbID VARHA25-01-6-24