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  • Savonia University of Applied Sciences

    This is the way towards a dream job in Savonia

    At Savonia, we share common values (courage, community, impact and reliability) on which our operations are based. With us, you can work in a multidisciplinary manner in teaching, research, development and innovation activities as well as in higher education services. In Savonia, you work as part of a competent team and in supervisory work, we emphasize the support provided in everyday work. In Savonia people want to do their best to achieve common goals.

    The competence development and well-being of our personnel is very important to us. Well-being at work can be seen as meaningful work tasks and various recreational events. In addition, our personnel have comprehensive employee benefits, such as, for example, Epassi (sport, culture, well-being, commuting), employer-provided bicycle, SYKETTÄ sports services and occupational health care services. We also reward employees and teams for successes on a regular basis.

    Savonia is a smoke-free employer that also invests in sustainable development and accessibility in both studying and working.

    In Savonia, you have the opportunity to work abroad for different lengths of time in an international exchange. Savonia's personnel also actively engage in network cooperation in Finland and abroad.

    Jobs in Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu 1 Show all

    Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulu Oy

    Hoitotyön lehtori, IisalmiDeadline for applications9.3.202523:59

    Key: 644379

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