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Management and office work Communication 12 open jobs Development and project work 39 open jobs Financial administration 29 open jobs Legal services 2 open jobs Management in general administration 18 open jobs Marketing 5 open jobs Office work 39 open jobs Other management and office work 54 open jobs Purchase 6 open jobs Staff management 22 open jobs Tourism and industrial sector 13 open jobs Työllisyyspalvelut 15 open jobs
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Kuntarekry - Find jobs in Finland

For Job Seekers we provide tools to find jobs and substitutes and information on working in the municipal sector and wellbeing services counties. Most job advertisements and application forms are available only in Finnish or Swedish. The recruitments in English are listed here.

For Employers - municipalities, cities, joint municipal authorities, municipal-owned businesses and wellbeing services counties we provide recruitment software and expert services that are suitable for external and internal recruitment as well as recruitment management.

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