On the kuntarekry.fi website you will find thousands of open jobs of municipal organisations and wellbeing services counties as well as their employer introductions and interesting articles (in Finnish) about worklife and job search.
Kuntarekry also has plenty of summer jobs, trainee positions and apprenticeship contract positions annually. You can also send substitute applications and open applictions to employers that you are interested in or just target the application on a spesific working area.
Municipal organisations include municipalities, cities, joint municipal authorities and municipal-owned businesses.
For many, the most important thing at work is its importance to society. This significance is strongly present in public sector work. For example, nursing, education and infrastructure maintenance are areas where you don’t need much imagination to see that your work matters.
Other important elements are the diversity of tasks, stability and the opportunity for personal growth and development. Working for a public sector employer you can build a long career and advance within the field, from one field to another or to supervisory positions without a change of employer. In municipal organizations and wellbeing services counties there are thousands of different occupations around Finland.
The public sector is also less dependent than the private sector for economic cycles in the short term. Municipal organizations and wellbeing services counties are responsible employers that invest in employees' wellbeing and competence development by offering training, personnel activities and stable employment.