Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialue
Key: Pirha-05-45-24
Jyväskylän kaupunki
Key: JYV-53-54-24
Etelä-Savon hyvinvointialue
Key: 639140
Liedon kaupunki
Key: 639220
Saimaan Tukipalvelut Oy
Key: 76362
Nokian Vesi Oy
Key: 639216
Raahen kaupunki
Key: 639041
Etelä-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialue
Key: 638986
Vihdin kunta
Key: VIH-04-1-25
Orimattilan kaupunki
Key: OLA-03-1-25
Porvoon kaupunki
Key: 177232
Kaarea Oy
Key: 639139
Etelä-Savon hyvinvointialue
Key: 637541
Salon kaupunki
Key: SAL-01-6-25
Varsinais-Suomen hyvinvointialue
Key: VARHA25-06-2-25
Varsinais-Suomen hyvinvointialue
Key: VARHA25-06-1-25
Keravan kaupunki
Key: KERAVA-02-268-24
Mustasaaren kunta
Key: KO499-02-2-25
Eurajoen kunta
Key: EURAJ-04-1-25
Nurmijärven kunta
Key: nur-6931
Eurajoen kunta
Key: EURAJ-04-2-25
Espoon kaupunki
Key: ESPOO-04-10-25
Vihdin kunta
Key: VIH-04-47-24
Ylivieskan kaupunki
Key: YLI-03-1-25
Open Technical Sector Jobs in Municipalities and Wellbeing Services Counties
Technical sector jobs in municipalities and wellbeing services counties offer diverse opportunities for technical professionals. Although the municipal sector is not always associated with technology, municipalities and wellbeing services counties have a constant need for professionals in various fields to develop operations and improve service efficiency. As a technical professional, you can contribute to the development of your area and significantly impact people’s daily lives, mobility, and the urban landscape.
In the technical sector, municipalities and wellbeing services counties offer a variety of roles, such as planning and development tasks, IT and information management roles, zoning and construction tasks, as well as maintenance, fire, and rescue services positions. Municipalities and wellbeing services counties also seek engineers, solution experts, construction professionals, and maintenance specialists. In technical roles, you can influence municipal services and comfort, and develop shared spaces, areas, and infrastructure.