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Kajaani University of Applied Sciences serves the development needs of the region in the fields of wellbeing, technology and communications, and tourism. Through its activities, the University of Applied Sciences promotes the region's opportunities to develop into a top professional in the fields it has chosen: game technology, activity tourism, sports, medical and health care, as well as bachelor's degree in social services, business competence and entrepreneurship, ICT industry, and mechanical and mining technology.

We offer students a high-quality and humane learning environment. We consider students as individuals, and our small dynamic university of applied sciences is a safe place for them to grow into top experts in their field. We want our students to enjoy themselves with us and receive high-quality teaching.

The staff is our resource. They have a positive, innovative and open-minded attitude to the development of themselves and the work community. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences values work and competence and supports coping and development by offering good and high-quality employee benefits to the staff.

Do you want to become part of this KAMK success story? We are constantly opening up interesting jobs, especially in the fields of teaching, research, development and innovation. We would love to hear more from you, so please send your open application today. We will contact you if there are vacancies that match your skills.

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About us

The operations of Kajaani University of Applied Sciences Ltd (KAMK) are guided by the KAMK ́30 strategy - A small large higher education institution. Our goal is to provide the right kind of breeding ground to study, develop new things and change the world. We train future experts who together will make the region a vibrant and internationally attractive environment for companies and students. Our Vimpelinlaakso campus in Kajaani has about 2000 students. We train nurses, public health nurses, bachelors of business administration, engineers, physical education instructors and restonomists, and we also offer a master's degree in these degrees. Some of our students study in our English-language courses.

We also carry out research, development and innovation activities. Our operating principle is to cooperate in regional, national and international networks and to strengthen multidisciplinary cooperation. At the core of growth is expertise and the sustainable use of the growth environment. We believe and know that small seeds of ideas can grow into a great story. Welcome to this story.

Ketunpolku 1
87100 Kajaani

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