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Open application - Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
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Would you like to work at Turku University of Applied Sciences?

Turku UAS is a community of 12,000 people. Our community consists of teachers, experts, and students - professionals in different stages of their careers. In the coming years, we will search and recruit a number of specialists in different fields.

We hire the professionals with the highest competence. The starting point of our recruitment process is to find the most suitable competence and expertise for each position.

Critical areas of expertise in future include research, development and innovation competence, pedagogical competence, international skills as well as cooperation and networking skills. Our teaching at Turku University of Applied Sciences is based on innovation pedagogy, which improves students’ working life readiness. Teachers work in a community-oriented manner and in close cooperation with local businesses and organizations. We value particularly knowledge of the public sector and the small and medium-sized sector in Southwest Finland as well as direct contacts with employers.

If Turku University of Applied Sciences does not have any suitable roles open at the moment, you are welcome to leave your open application with us.

Qualification requirements for teachers in Government Decree on Universities of Applied Sciences (1129/2014, The qualification criteria for other staff are specified in accordance with the difficulty level of each position.

Turku University of Applied Sciences Ltd, Joukahaisenkatu 3, FI-20520 Turku, Finland

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Head of HR Services Mervi Raita tel. +358505985191,

Hakemuksen jättäminen: Jätä sähköinen hakemus kohdasta Hae työpaikkaa

About us

Turku UAS is a community of 12,000 people. Our community consists of teachers, experts, and students – professionals in different stages of their careers. In the coming years, we will search and recruit a number of specialists in different fields.

As a workplace, we promise you flexibility and freedom to develop your field and to develop yourself. We share our expertise with our colleagues, and we will not stop learning. Turku UAS employs professionals from circus teachers to AI specialists, and from digital marketing advisors to emergency nursing lecturers.

Turku UAS is one of the biggest universities of applied sciences in Finland. We offer you the support provided by a multiprofessional expert organization, and interesting assignments while working with future professionals and our versatile research, development and innovation (RDI) projects. Internationality is part of everyday life to us, and our partner networks are extensive. We work in Turku and Salo in comfortable workspaces which offer you a modern environment and devices to specialist work, teaching as well as research and development.

Joukahaisenkatu 3
20520 Turku

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    Kuntarekrystä löytyy tuhansia avoimia työpaikkoja kaikkialta Suomesta.

    Työnhakijoille tarjoamme työvälineet työpaikkojen, sijaisuuksien ja keikkatöiden hakemiseen sekä tietoa työskentelystä kuntaorganisaatioissa ja hyvinvointialueilla.

    Työnantajille - kunnille, kaupungeille, hyvinvointialueille, kuntayhtymille ja kuntien omistamille yrityksille - tarjoamme rekrytoinnin ohjelmisto- ja asiantuntijapalveluja, jotka sopivat ulkoiseen ja sisäiseen rekrytointiin sekä sijaisuuksien hallintaan.

    Verkkopalvelussamme käytetään evästeitä käyttäjäkokemuksen parantamiseen. Käyttämällä palvelua hyväksyt evästeiden käytön. Katso palvelun tietosuojaseloste, tietosuojalauseke sekä saavutettavuusseloste.

    Palautetta sivustosta voit lähettää osoitteeseen: tai lomakkeella.


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